Sunday, January 4, 2009

Up close and personal

Kona was on TV last week, only for a brief second, but I think it's gone to his head. He wants to be a star, in fact, he thinks he already is one! (Of course he is one in our book!)

Silly dog. He's been practicing his "looks" serious, and silly both. He's sure that one of these days Brad Pitt is going to show up on our front door (at least Mommy hopes so) and beg for him to be in a movie. He'll be ready...we both will!

Here he is on TV....he's that big white dog towards the end that turns his head just as the camera comes to him. Brilliant timing Boy, we gotta work on that!

(The video came from a news station that was filming at an event we were invited to last week. More on that soon.)

And his "head shots" both serious, and silly. He is such a goof!


Curt Rogers said...

Yay, Kona! That's terrific!

The Musketeers said...

Aww~ Kona ! You are such a pro in this !

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

Go, Kona!!! I love it because everyone in our neighborhood thinks we are nuts for seatbelting our dogs into the back seat when we take them anywhere!!!