Thursday, January 15, 2009

La La Land

I think I'm starting to feel a bit better. I think. My leg is now more numb than it is sore. Numb is good, right? At least I'm not in nearly as much pain as I was in yesterday. I'm sure the pain pills I'm taking have nothing to do with that....or the muscle relaxers...In fact, I'm feeling so good I think I could dance, or at least hobble to the bathroom without crutches. Thanks a heck of an improvement over yesterday.

Last night was horrible. One of my worst ever. I'd taken my muscle relaxer and pain pills at about 10pm, hoping they would kick in enough for me to get comfortable and get some sleep. I got up from the couch at about 11pm and headed for bed. Sparing the details, I will just say that it took me well over an hour to get comfortable and actually feel like I might live. Hubby kept asking me if I wanted to go to Urgent care, but I knew they wouldn't be able to do anything more for me. Nothing was going to change until the meds kicked in, which I think they finally did around 12:45am. I was finally able to lay down, get to a point where my leg wasn't killing me, and I nodded off. I woke back up at 4:20am hobbled to the bathroom, took another of each pill, and got back to sleep quickly. Thank goodness.

This morning I stayed in bed while the rest of the household was getting up and in gear for the day. With the help of the medication, I stayed in La La Land for quite a while, and it was such a relief to just rest, and not hurt. Bear finally came in and woke me up at noon! I can't remember the last time I ever stayed in bed that long, but my oh my, it felt great!


Valerie Cummings said...

Whoo Hoo!! Making progress! La La Land is such a nice place to visit! Hope your leg gets better soon! HUgs and good wishes Love Val Joey and Kealani

Thor and Jack said...

Oh Sue!
I´m so sorry to hear you´re feeling pain. I hope you gets better very soon!


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

OHHHHHHHHHH Sue...we're very very very sorry to hear you're feeling pain!!!!!!!!!
we hope your legs better soon!!!!
Give us news everyday if you can!!!!
we're worried for you!!!!
lots of love and kisses

☮momoKo said...

Hi Sue!
I'm so glad to come my blog.I wish you getting better soon.

Peace and love

Merrill said...

Hope you are in the pack soon but be sure to take your time now.