Friday, July 25, 2008

...I'd like to thank the Academy...

My wonderful friend Curt, of While Walking Duncan, very graciously bestowed upon my humble little blog, a Brillante Weblog Award. I was both surprised, and very honored with his gift, and will do my best to live up to the expectations of having a Brillante Weblog, whatever they may be.

There are a few rules that go along with accepting this award, which include the following:

1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

First two rules....check.
Rule 3...might be tough, not sure if I regularly read 7 other blogs (especially that Curt hasn't also nominated.
Rule 4 will be easy once I figure out what I'm going to do about rule 3.
Rule 5, see rule 4.

Ok, so here goes...

I hereby pass on this award to the following...please follow the above rules, or just relax, have fun, and enjoy the kudos.
  1. Valerie's MyBooBear - Sweet, fun, and adorable, Joey and Val romp through life with a sense of adventure that I can't live without.
  2. The "Queen" of blogging April's Reign -April has a sense of humor that is unsurpassed, and somehow she manages to make even the smallest of daily happenings funny. She is full of fun, insight, and wit.
  3. Chris from Diet Coke Rocks! - Chris tells it like it is and makes every day seem like an adventure. Her blog is just plain ol fun to read. Colorful and crazy, I don't go a day without checking in to see what she's up to.
  4. Coffe Bean's The Righteous Buzz is a blog that is more than entertaining, it's educational! Coffee is open and honest, and enlightening. She is raising awareness, and helping to open the world's eyes to Spasmodic Dysphonia.
  5. Chris & Mackenzie's Mackenzie Speaks cracks me up on a daily basis. Posts through the eyes of a Golden, translated through a caretaker. Too friggin funny.
  6. Anniessa's Ramblings are witty fun. Flaming Nachos? Gotta love them. Anniessa just needs to carve out more time to blog! New job you say? Eh, the police will understand!
  7. Alicia's Brown Eyed Blues is warm, wonderful and full of great pictures. Alicia has a wonderful way with a camera, and catching the cutest expressions...and knitting, don't forget the knitting!

Well, there you go! Done! And much easier than I thought. Hopefully no hard feelings to anyone I didn't mention. I know most of you have probably already recieved awards like this before, but I hadn't, so it was kinda cool for me to do this. You may not be interested in doing all of the rules, and certainly nothing is set it stone...I just wanted to let you all know that you are appreciated!


April said...

Sue you are too sweet! Thank you so much!

Chris and Mackenzie said...

Thank you for the award, Sue. I can't stay long as the big guy is throwing me a parade. The route he planned will take us through the kitchen and into the living room. I asked why the parade was so short (small) and he just muttered something about permits and walked away. *sigh*
