Thursday, June 18, 2009

Unexpected Treats!

Oh, we do love a surprise around here!
Yesterday evening, just as we finished dinner, our doorbell rang. I heard a familiar "It's UPS!" as my favorite delivery man left a package on the bench right outside my door. Of course the dogs went crazy, as they always do when the doorbell rings. (Ain't no one sneaking in here!)

I went to the door to retrieve our unexpected delivery and smiled when I saw where it came from-- Best Bully Sticks, one of our favorite places on the web! I know I hadn't ordered anything lately, so I instantly knew who the delightful doggie treats came from - Merrill, Harley's Dad! In the past he has often sent us gifts from there, knowing that the pups absolutely love the tasty treats from Best Bully's. Thank you, thank you, thank you Merrill! You made our evening!


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Nom nom nom.....

Valerie Cummings said...

Love that!!! That was so nice of Merrill!!! Enjoy! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Chris H said...

OH how Teddy would love some treats like that! sadly, he's not allowed ANYTHING but his prescription food.

kks said...

a chewing dog is a happy one!
i'll have to check those out...

NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, I love those expressions when they are standing next to the box and you have obviously told them not to dig in. They are all saying, AWE, MOM!!!

Tami said...

Sounds like my house when the doorbell rings! My doggies go crazy.

Anonymous said...

Something heart warming in puppy love.

Anonymous said...

Something heart warming in puppy love and consistancy.