Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mid Week Get Together

We got together with a few friends last night...
...some members of the Golden group got together for a little romp in the park, and dinner nearby at a food court with a large dog friendly patio.

Nothing like a nice little pack of 30 Goldens to brighten my day!

On a sad note, what a shame it was to hear about the passing of both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, both such huge icons...Farrah, of course, was expected, but it was such a shock to hear about the "King of Pop" kind of reminds me of when Princess Diana died so suddenly.


NCmountainwoman said...

Oh, a pack of 30 Goldens. What a great time that must have been. I love the varying colors on all of them.

Chris H said...

I was sad to hear of Farrah's death, and stunned to hear of Michael's... and I didn't even like him! But I do feel sad in a weird way .... especially for his children.

Charlie said...

The only think better than a Golden is a heap of them! Hurrah for restaurants with dog-friendly patios!!
- C

Bogart said...

I wish I had a case of tennis balls to throw...could you imagine tossing 1200 balls in the air at once with 30 Golden's there?

That would be amazing!

Valerie Cummings said...

What a great time that was Auntie Sue! You have the best meetup ever!!! Hugs, Joey and Kealani

Homer said...

Hiya Sue,

This is Missus typing. I wish we were there participating in your outings. So many! It will be a treat not only for me but for Homer as well.

I was sad that Farrah passed away but I was shocked when Michael died. I thought it was the media who were playing things out of proportion so that they can get their reader/viewership high. Then later, it was confirmed. I didn't know what to say. Michael was a very talented artist and it's ashame that someone so talented had to go. In fact Michael died as a broke man.
