Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Props and Platelets...

...Yup, kind of a random combination, huh? My day started off with a trip north to look at an old cash register to be used as a prop for our next Halloween party. I know, I know, people think I'm nuts doing this stuff now, since it's only the middle of June, and I am full bore into Halloween...but let me tell you folks, you don't throw a rockin Halloween party together in a couple of days or weeks...stuff on this scale takes months to plan and execute.

Trust me, I'm an expert.

I'm actually starting to panic just a wee bit at the thought of running out of time to get this shin-dig together....seriously...they don't call me the "Decoration Diva" for nothing! LOL!

After my cool acquisition of the cash register, I dropped AJ off and headed down town to make a little donation, of the platelet and plasma kind. I'm usually pretty good about donating blood, and try to do it on a pretty regular basis. It's been a long time since I donated platelets and plasma though. The process had never really bothered me at all, although, back when I was doing it (around 8 to 10 years ago) I didn't enjoy the very cold feeling I would get as the blood was pumped back into my arm. (They used to take it from one arm, take out the components they needed and give it back to you in the other arm...and it always felt like they were pumping ice water back into me - it was seriously the coldest cold I'd ever felt...) Somewhere along the lines of my busy life, I gave up donating that way, probably because the procedure would talk around 2 hours, and just stuck to giving a pint of my whole blood.

I got a post card from the Blood Bank the other day, saying they were in need of platelet donors, and I figured "what the heck"...I made my appointment and went in today. What a pleasant surprise! Technology has come a long way in the last couple of years, and it was much simpler than it used to be. I was done and walking out the door within an hour and a half of when I'd walked in, there was only one small needle this time, and the blood came and went in the same arm...incredible! If you are a healthy adult, and haven't considered donating blood and or platelets/plasma, I urge you to give it a try. It's a simple procedure, and it makes you feel like you are giving a little something "back" to your community - and that's always a great feeling.

My day will be topped off with another trip to the Fair this evening...it's $2.00 sample night - when most of the food vendors have sample sizes of their delicious delights available for a fraction of their normal outrageous price. Sample sizes of Corn Dogs, Australian Battered Fries, Deep Fried Zucchini, Frozen Cheesecake, Funnel Cakes, etc.



Golden Samantha said...

You are such a generous soul! The giving of a couple of "years" ago sounds medieval - glad the procedure has improved! And yes, readying for a H. party now seems a bit O/C but each to his own. Your pawty is bound to be a pawsome one!
Hugs xo

Chris H said...

Stop going to the bloody fair or you will end up FAT.
I'm just jealous of course.. ignore me!

kks said...

i haven't donated for a while...i hate needles...(i know, i am a nurse, but for animals..)can do anything with an animal, but put a needle by my vein and i nearly pass out!
oh, do tell us more about sample night at the fair!