Friday, April 3, 2009

Fun Stuff

How totally random and bizarre would it be to be somewhere when this happened?

I think it would be a blast to be involved with something along these lines. Here is a little note behind what's going on...

Friday Jan 16, 2009, T-mobile launched their new commercial. It was shot at Liverpool station in London . They used 400 dancers and 10 hidden cameras. No one but the station employees and dancers knew what was going on.

Here is another one. I just get a kick out of watching these!


Anonymous said...

I sooooo want that to happen somewhere I go! How fun! Enjoyed the videos very much - thanks!

Your pal,

Chris H said...

Awesome! I posted the second one yesterday!

Allison Walton said...

Seriously, I might watch these every day of my life. They make me smile SO big!