Friday, April 24, 2009


Last week I took a trip to our world famous San Diego Wild Animal Park. Once a year they have a special display of butterflies, and I went with my photography group to see them. They were gorgeous little flits of brilliant color, and although not easy to photograph, (because they rarely stay still) I was able to catch a couple decent snaps


Shirl said...

These are fabulous! I am so impressed with your photography skills. You really should consider some sort of copyright on your images so someone doesn't steal them. Like some unscrupulous person who would print enlargements and hang them in her tropical-themed room.

Valerie Cummings said...

Ok seriously, you could make a lot of money with your pictures! I cant believe these shots! I agree with Shirl, "someone" might steal these images! Hugs Valerie

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

Decent???? Those are way beyond decent! Fantastic!