Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well folks, I did it. I took the plunge...I tried to stay away, but I just couldn't. I fell into the spell that seems to have been cast over so many females lately...Twilight.

I purchased the book months ago for Pickle, who is not a lover of literature. To my dismay it sat, untouched, on her dresser until a few weeks ago when Bear decided she'd like to read it before the movie came out. Bear is not a big fan of reading, and I can't remember when that last time was that she picked up an actual book to read just for fun. Beauty magazines aside, reading just isn't her thing. Until it came to this book. SHE. LOVED. IT. Must be a fluke I thought. And then my 70 year old Mom asked to borrow it. SHE. LOVED. IT. Flew through the over 400 page book in just a few short days. Then asked me to borrow the second and third in the series from a neighbor girl. Every person I've asked about the books has thoroughly enjoyed them. Every one. I can't say the same about the movie, I've heard both good and bad. But the books? 100% thumbs up.

So, on Thursday I had to take my beast of a car (Expedition EL) in for an oil change. I brought the book to kill some time. I figured I'd read a chapter or two, get bored and play on my iPhone. The oil change took just over an hour. I read 54 pages. I was captivated. Super easy read. The story takes off right off the bat, just a plain girly fun. Super gorgeous vampire boy meets girl. Cheesy? You bet! Have I put it down? Not hardly. Yesterday my Internet was down for most of the day. I didn't mind. In fact I was happy to sit on the couch, with my feet up, and surrounded by dogs, reading (me, not the dogs...) I zipped through over 300 pages. I had to tear myself away to make dinner, and later to do a little shopping. I read in bed last night until midnight and my eyes were so blurry I couldn't read another page. It's been a struggle to not pick it up today-yet. It's still plenty early though, and I am counting the minutes until I can get back to it.

Kinda makes me feel like a teeny-bopper again...not that there's anything wrong with that? Right? Um, yeah, thanks for the love.


Kelli said...

I'm not a reader at all but I recently did that with the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. Sometimes we need some good girly fun.

Valerie Cummings said...

Oh then I MUST get that book!

Tami said...

Sue - I know what you mean about being in love with these books. I saw the movie 4 times. See my blog and you'll see how crazy I am about Edward!! :)

Bogart said...

I like vampire stories, but for some reason, this book holds zero interest for me...I have no desire to even look at it.