Sunday, March 22, 2009

Too Cool For School

I took this picture of Jill this afternoon at the park. She was wearing Hubby's sunglasses, as it was a bit too bright for her - ha ha! She is such a goofy dog, she will stand there totally still when she has glasses or a hat on. We only leave them on her for a moment though, so as not to torment her. She looks happy wearing them though, doesn't she? She just thinks she is too cool...


Kelli said...

Haaaa! Love it!

Chris H said...

Very, very cute.

kks said...

very cute! when my golden maui was young, i had a convertible, she would sit in the passenger seat with a hat on....she was so good in the car!

Valerie Cummings said...

Jill is so cute with her sunglasses on!And her hair blowing in the wind! Hugs Joey and Kealani