Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Splashes of color, among other things...

It was another glorious day in the land of Sunny Sandy Ego, and I decided to get out and about a bit with my new camera (a Nikon D80 - thank you, thank you very much...) I'll need lots of practice with this new baby before my London trip in just a couple of short weeks. This camera's got more settings and buttons than I'll ever know what to do with, but being the novice that I am, I do ok when I leave it on the "auto" settings. "Auto" everything, that's what I like. Now, wouldn't it be nice if more things in life and an "auto" button?

And now, for your viewing enjoyment...

Random splashes of color

Part of the Mission

Look at that cute little Smart Car...wonder who that belongs to.

Another view of the Mission

The Spruce Street Suspension Bridge, built in 1912

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