Monday, April 21, 2008

A Fog Blog

I thought these couple of pictures would be perfect to share with you since I'll be heading off to London tomorrow. They were taken at La Jolla Shores last week, and show the fog rolling in, as if it were being pumped in by a giant fog machine. We got there at 10:30am, and it was clear and sunny, as you see in the first picture. By 11:30am we felt like we were in the middle of a horror flick, as the beach was being consumed by the cold, moist fog. It didn't take long for us to pack up our sunscreen and head home.
So, why, do you ask, am I choosing to share them with you today, in honor of my impending London trip? Haven't you made the connection? Fog....London....London Fog. OK, you got me, it was lame attempt at humor.

Anyway, don't wonder why I haven't posted a new blog for a week or so. I'll be out and about seeing the sites and taking notes, in order to report back to all ya'all. (Had to throw that in there for my Texas family - you know who you are.)

Cheerio folks ~ check back for an update soon!

1 comment:

Valerie Cummings said...

love it! FOG BLOG! Those are great shots!