Saturday, April 19, 2008

I've got the "It's 3:38am and my car alarm just went off" Blues!

Yup, you read that right. 3:38am this morning and the Smart Car alarm goes off. Good Morning? I think not.

Now, I don't know about you, but when I am awakened (is that a word?) in the middle of the night (which I consider 3:38 am to be- the middle of the night that is...) I don't go back to sleep....can't go back to sleep. When you are startled like that, it's like being shot out of a cannon, not that I've actually been shot out of a cannon of course, but, you know, I can imagine...anyway, the good ol ticker starts pounding and the brain starts racing, and boom, the night is over. Of course my wonderful hubby threw some shorts on over his "skivies" (how often now-a-days do you hear the term "skivies"?) and ran out to check the "situation" out front. It was all quiet, no signs of bad guys trying to steal the little car, or even mess with it for that what gives? Why the alarm? You've got me! When he tried to reset the silly thing it started to "chirp" at him again. I use "chirp" as a nice way to say that IT WAS 3:38am AND THE STUPID THING WAS SCREAMING AT US AND WAKING THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD! Anywho...not a great way to start the day...and about 5 hours too early for me to start a Saturday. By the way, did you realize that even with over a hundred channels on cable TV there is NOTHING worth watching at 3:38am? Believe me, I checked.

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