Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fiesta Island Fun

When your dogs are looking at you like just know they are bored.

Our weather has been so rainy lately, it's been tough to squeeze in more than a walk here or there with them. The parks have been so muddy that its more trouble to take them there than it's worth. Of course the last couple of days have been decent, but the New Year holiday kept us busy, and the ground has been so saturated that it's still hard to find a place to take them that's not a mess.

We decided to take our chances and make our way to Fiesta Island. I am SO glad we did! The dogs had a blast, and surprisingly, we managed to keep them out of the water! YAY! No wet stinky dogs to bring home. Just happy, tired ones! Now isn't this a happier face? Seeing my pups happy and running around just makes my day! Thankfully we made it home just before the rain started again. Our timing, for once, was perfect!


Creative-Type Dad said...

That island looks like a fun place.

Anonymous said...

All that green! In January! SO JEALOUS! It's snowing here as I type this; then again, the Husky likes it just fine, so I guess I'd better suck it up...
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