Monday, July 19, 2010

A-Z Mondays- the foodie version, "Z" is for Zucchini bread!

Ah, here we the end of the A-Z Monday's Food game. What a delightful 26 weeks it's been!

For the letter "Z" I have picked Zucchini Bread. YUM! My Mom makes the best zucchini bread ever! I'm not sure what all she puts into it, I just know that it's great!

It's amazing to me that you can take something that looks like this....

mix it with some pretty basic ingredients, and come up with a delicious dessert (or breakfast, as the case may be...).

One of my favorite things to do with a nice fresh zucchini is to slice it up and mix it with the yellow squash I talked about last Monday...sauted in a bit of butter, some salt and pepper, a little garlic salt, and a slice or two of onion...oh my!

My friend Lori recently sent me a new recipe which I have yet to try, but sounds delightful. It's for "Zucchini Cakes" (along the lines of crab cakes...not chocolate cake!)

Zucchini Cakes
Makes 12—14 (or more)

4 cups grated zucchini—washed, trimmed & grated
1 tablespoon sea salt
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cups whole-grain bread crumbs (Trader Joe’s Whole-Wheat Sourdough bread works well)
sea salt & pepper
¼ teaspoon powdered cloves
¾ cup crispy almonds—ground to a powder (Trader Joe’s Almond Meal also works—just brown it in a pan)
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper (I double this amount)
½ cup Parmesan cheese
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

Mix zucchini with salt & let stand (at least) ½ hour. Rinse well with (filtered) water & squeeze dry in a tea towel. Mix with eggs, onion, bread crumbs, cheese, cayenne pepper, cloves & season to taste (with salt & pepper). Form into cakes & sauté a few at a time in butter & olive oil. Extra (if there are any) cakes can be frozen (after cooking).

Give it a try and let me know how it is!

If you'd like to see what other bloggers are drooling over for this last week of A-Z Mondays, be sure to check out Jen's blog here.

I hope you had a great weekend! Ours was busy, busy (what's new?) and I've got fun pictures to share....but I've got errands to run first!


YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Funny, I just posted about zucchinis as well and I just made a loaf of zucchini bread and a loaf of blueberry zucchini bread(made that after I wrote my post).
That zucchini cake recipe sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

Chris H said...

That bread really does look yummy.

kks said...

gosh girl, you have unlimited energy! the bread looks really good, i don't bake, probably could, but don't...:) didn't grown them in the garden this year...they are very prolific and we could never pick and eat them all! some would get bigger than a baseball bat! yikes...
hugs to those beautiful dogs!!

Homer said...

Hey guys,

Tell your mum that my mum sent her an email Re: Vacation in Europe.


Minerva said...

I love zucchini bread. It's really the only way that I enjoy zucchini!
A to Z was fun, and I have had fun reading the weekly entries.

Ben said...

I'm glad you picked zucchini bread - It's great stuff - and pretty soon everybody is going to be giving away their zucchini because they will have so darn much of it, and that bread is the perfect thing to do with it!

Valerie Cummings said...

Oh i need a pice of that zucchini bread!! Ill be right over! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Tami said...

I make a KILLER Zucchini bread from the Zucchini I grow in my garden. I put brown sugar in mine and it gives it a yummy punch.