Friday, May 29, 2009

Um, yeah, right...

Pops sent me this little video, and it gave me a chuckle. I hope you like it too.

Here is the note that accompanied it:

Some of you probably already know, I foolishly joined an animal rescue group last year and have been assigned to protect the African Antelope. Well, last week was my first real action, and fortunately my efforts were captured on the attached video. I hope you enjoy it. This type of work is rather tiring for a man of my age, but it is most rewarding. But even so, one rescue a day is all I can handle...


Coffee Talk with Shar said...

I must be really tired because I had to watch this thing 3 times before I realized that it was a spoof! Pitiful - me, not the video!

You always come up with the best things!!!

☮momoKo said...

I wish he participates in the next Olympics.


Baylor said...

Wow! I wonder if he has ever run in an Olympics? He sure was fast with the grab! 10 Points! :)

Luna and Sole'

Shirl said...

Boy, he sure IS bionic now, isn't he?