Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My "Smart" Boy, Jack

Jack and I had to take a little drive over to the vet this morning to take care of a little dog "maintenance" - if you know what I mean...(hey, some dogs just have butt issues...) They weighed him for me while we were there too, and I'm happy to say he is maintaining his new slim, sleek 85 lb. physique. 85 lbs. isn't slim you say? Sure beats the heck out of the 103 lbs. he was once carrying around. Everything is a work in progress, right? That's what I keep telling myself...every day in the mirror.

We decided to take the Smart Car, seeing that it gets nearly 40 miles to the gallon, as opposed to my Expedition, which gets a whopping 15 miles to the gallon (on a very good day). Needless to say, we got lots of funny looks. We had the top down, and Jack smiling, with his head out the window, ears flapping freely in the cool breeze, is quite a sight. What a good boy!


Chris H said...

Good morning Sue and "Hi"... by all means add me to your blogroll! I don't mind. Thanks for visiting my blog.... I used to have a Goldy.. but as we are moving (EVENTUALLY) to an area with very small sections I have had to rehome her... best thing for her eh? Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment on Diet Coke Rocks and decided to pop over to check yours out. I have a 16 month old golden retriever named Benson. I have pictures of him on my sidebar and you can find others by clicking on pets under labels, also on the right side.

Your dogs are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I wanted to tell you I'd be honored to have you put my blog in your favorites... and I just re-read my comment from yesterday... my side bar is on the left, not the right! I'm sure you figured that out when you got there, but gee whiz... I hate it when I make dumb mistakes like that!

We had another golden retriever named Eve. She died in January 2007 and it just broke our hearts. We weren't going to get another dog but... we saw Benny a couple of months later and had to have him. He is a handful! But, that is our fault for not working with him more. Honestly, I find a lot of his bad behavior cute... so bad, I know. He has got a wonderful personality, as is typical amongst goldens.

I love the pictures of your dogs!