Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chunky Legs in Motion - Part Septynios (that's "7 "in Lithuanian)

A Pink Army.

A Herd of Pink.

Either way you look at it, there were a LOT of us out walking yesterday. It was the day of the official 3 Day "Expo" and they held a 10 mile training walk before the Expo started. They told people that wanted to go on the training walk to be there by 6:30am and be ready to start walking at 6:45am. Bear and I were there, with bells on. OK, not really bells, but we were there, on time, in our pink, with about a thousand other people.

Apparently the response for the training walk was a little overwhelming. The staff ran out of waivers, ran out of maps (thankfully we didn't get lost because it was pretty easy to just follow the throngs of other people in pink walking in front of us...) and - God forbid - ran out of frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Oh, the travesty! We managed to survive with out all of that, barely, and had a great walk. They said that the route they'd sketched out for us to walk was very representative of the areas we'd be walking in the real 3 Day, which starts Nov. 21st. (Holy Moly - 2 months from today!) There were some nice flat parts and several long hills. Unless you are actually walking the hills in San Diego, I don't think you'd ever realize how many there are...let me tell you, there are a LOT. Long, meandering hills that make your thighs ache and your calf muscles tight. I could just about walk forever if it weren't for those hills. I. Hate. Hills.

Waiting for the training walk to get underway...

Bunching up at a red light.

Bear and I at the Expo.


Valerie Cummings said...

excellent! Wow its getting exciting!

Bogart said...

That is a lot of pink!

Coffee Talk with Shar said...

WAY TO GO, you two!!! So awesome. You both are looking so tan! Definitely from all that walking!