Thursday, March 6, 2008

In the beginning....

...I've decided to blog....

I'll have to admit, I'm a little fascinated with the thought of writing a blog and having others read it, but for the life of me, I don't know why. I've never been one to write in a diary, or keep a journal of any type, other than when I've traveled, and that only because my feeble mind is too groggy sometimes to remember where I've been or what I've seen. Not too great for a forty-something girl. I say girl, because frankly, I sure don't feel like I'm nearly mid-way through my forties! I'm sure I must have stepped through a time-warp somewhere along the line and jumped 25 years ahead...I sure feel like I'm still in high school sometimes...

Anyway, the thought though, that someone, somewhere could possibly be interested in the day to day life of a stay at home, mom of three - nearly grown children - is fun. So I'll put it out there, and see what happens. I hope not to bore you, but I can't make that promise...

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