Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget....

I read on my FaceBook page where one of my friends complained about people saying "Never Forget" in reference to 9/11. She said it was a horrible day (I agree) and that she didn't have to see the pictures to be reminded of the terrible events that took place that day.

I humbly disagree.

I think we should be reminded. I think we should remember in vivid detail the events of 9/11/01 that shook our country to the core, and changed our lives forever. I also think that we should be reminded of how our country came together in the days following, and the overwhelming patriotism that overflowed into our neighborhoods in the form of flags flying on homes, on our cars in the form of flag bumper stickers that could suddenly be seen everywhere, on the patriotic t-shirts and the hats worn by people of every age, color, nationality, etc.

Do you still fly your flag? We do. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I think we should remember what it felt like to be an American on 9/11/01. I think we should remember how many lives were lost. I think we should remember the bravery of those who arrived first on the scene, only to be lost in the attempt to save others.

I think we should remember every single day.


How Sam Sees It said...

I agree! I also think, that the newspapers are lying to us in telling us that American's don't feel patriotic, they don't support America. What I've seen on the blogs today is proof that we believe in America still!


Jan said...

I wish we could recapture the swelling of pride and patriotism that took place after the attack. There was a unity that I wish we could preserve. Remembering that time is important.

kks said...

beautifully said...and i agree completely!! I remember the feeling well, the overwhelming feeling of pride...a lesson indeed...