Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Travel Fund Turtle

A while back, there was a Hallmark store near my house that was going out of business. They had some great discounts on things and I found this cute little Turtle piggy bank. It was on sale from $14.95 down to about $2.00. What a bargain! I just had to have it.

I brought it home, stuck it away, and decided that each time I got paid, I would stick at least $20 into it.

The other day, when Hubby and I were talking about our rapidly approaching cruise, and what spending money we'd have available to take along with us, I decided to count what I had in the Turtle.

Needless to say, I was VERY happy, and actually quite surprised! Any guesses on how much was in my little "Travel Fund Turtel?


kks said...

cute turtle and my guess is $750....:)
what a great idea!!

Kelli said...

WOOHOO! Mr. Turtle is ROLLIN' in the dough! :) Have fun!!!

Animamayhem said...

Look at that happy turtle smile. My Guess, 1025.00. (extra fiver thrown in for good measure!)

How Sam Sees It said...

How wonderful! I have an old milk jar that I keep change in - I empty my purse once a week, anything I find in the laundry, etc. It's amazing how it builds up. I even got Cisco and one of our Great Danes out of that jar!
