Saturday, November 27, 2010

Guy-liner? No complaint here...a new crush of the week.

When did it become acceptable for men to where eyeliner? Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining, but rather just asking the question. I guess I really hadn't noticed it too much, until recently.

Oh sure, there was Kurt Cobain in the early 90's. He doesn't look bad...
I'm sure it goes a lot further back than him...
In recent memory, I've noticed it on Johnny Depp in the Pirate of the Caribbean movies, Johnny wears it very well....

Russell Brand, not a favorite of mine. Jared Leto, he kinda looks greasy...
and Marilyn Manson, who just is a freak-show all around...Yesterday I saw "Burlesque" with Cher, Christina Aguilera, and Cam Gigandet. Cam Gigandet played James (the bad vampire) in Twilight. Cam plays one of the male leads, Jack, in "Burlesque." Cam wears a lot of eyeliner as Jack. Cam can carry off the guyliner with the best of them. Me likey Cam...

Look out Brad, and Robert Downey...there's a new man in Sue's site...and he looks great with or without fangs and/or eyeliner. Ladies, and some of you men out there, if you've seen "Burlesque" you know what I mean. I'd love a Famous Amos cookie please...


April said...

We saw Due Date yesterday, and Robert Downey Jr has never been my thing, but I loved him in that movie. I love me a good smart ass. Sexy!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I'm back from my Thanksgiving Holiday break. reading your previous posts ... lots happened. Golden Congrats on your walk. My mom likes Jared Leto. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Chris H said...

Some guys should just STAND. BACK. FROM. THE. MAKEUP!