Monday, November 30, 2009
A-Z Mondays, "F" is for My Four Furry Friends
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's Beginning to Look and Feel a Lot Like Christmas...
Black Friday was awesome! Although Hubby and I didn't get our super early start on shopping like we have in the past, we still got out there nice and early and scored all of the items we wanted to get. I'd tell you some of the killer deals we got, but since I know that Bear, AJ and Pickle occasionally browse through my blog, I'll have to keep that to myself. Suffice to say, "we done GOOD!"
After a break from the shopping to visit the hospital with Kona for our regular visit, it was back out to brave more crowds. (While I was gone at the hospital Hubby and AJ put up all of our outdoor decorations. Sweet!) This time when we headed out to shop though, we took the kids with us. Everyone was off of work and school, so it was fun to do a little something out of the ordinary. We bundled up, and headed out to the Viejas Outlet mall, about 30 miles or so east of where we live. It was a brisk evening, in the low 50's (which, you know, is like FREEZING for us Southern Californians!) and it felt nice and wintery. They had a gorgeous Christmas tree set up, surrounded by an outdoor ice skating rink. It made for a mini winter wonderland!
The kids are at ages now where they actually enjoy getting new cloths for Christmas, especially if they can pick them out, and make sure they fit. We had a really fun time, scoring great deals at the Tommy Hilfiger store, the Gap store, Nautica, etc. We stretched every dollar and didn't buy anything that wasn't on sale. And, boy or boy, did they have some great sales! I got a pair of Gap jeans for myself for 70% off - only $15.99! What a bargain! I'm going to wrap them up and put them under the tree!
Saturday was a fun day too. The kids got all of their home work caught up while Hubby and I finished off a little shopping, and a few errands. We've been him-hawing around about getting a new refrigerator too, and finally gave in and bought one last night. Our current one (13 years old) is still hanging in there, but we both have the feeling it won't last much longer. With the current great sales that were going on, we felt that it was the opportune time to get it. (But when in the heck did refrigerators get SO dang expensive? Holy Moly!) I would have rather have had a new couch I've had my eye one....but a couch can't keep the milk cold. Oh well. The new frig gets delivered on Wednesday, and I'll consider it an early birthday present.
We had a great family night last night, and played several different games, which we haven't done in a very long time. After the expenses of the last couple of days, (especially that frig!) we wanted to do something fun and FREE! We all had a really good time, and it was nice to remember that sometimes just doing simple things can make for the best times together. After games we made some popcorn and settled in to watch a silly, quirky movie, called "Death at a Funeral." It came out in 2007, but I'd never heard of it before. It was on HBO for free and we gave it a try. Other than the raunchy language, it was a pretty mild movie, with a funny plot. You might want to give it a try if you come across it, but it's a dark British comedy - so just keep that in mind...
Also on Saturday, we experienced something really out of the ordinary...RAIN! It had been 164 days since there had been any measurable precipitation in San Diego county. That's a long time with no rain! Needless to say the news stations were in a frenzy, finally having something to put in the weather report. Flashes of "Storm Watch 09" filled the airwaves...gimme a break! We had about a half inch in our part of town, and in the nearby mountains they got about an inch. Whoopee! Sure it was better than nothing (although I did have to cancel a scheduled Golden group meetup, which was a bummer) but it certainly wasn't worth getting into a tizzy over.
All in all, it's been a great couple of days. I've enjoyed having everyone home and spending the time together. Even Hubby had 5 days off, which has been great! Bear had a few days off from her salon, and we've all gotten the chance to spend some quality time together. Sure it's fun to shop, and give and receive gifts over the holiday season, but in the long run, spending time with those you love is the best gift of all.
Friday, November 27, 2009
It was a Great Night!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
So Very Thankful!
But today, more than anything else, I find that I have so very many, many things to truly be thankful for.
I am incredibly thankful that I will be enjoying a Thanksgiving feast with my parents this afternoon. Both parents. I am blessed beyond words.
I am thankful for my brother and his beautiful family in Fort Worth, Texas. Although we aren't able to see each other often, I know he is just a phone call away, and is always there for me. It wasn't always like that between us, but I'm sure glad it is now.
I am thankful for my dogs. They have brought more joy to my life than I thought was possible. Because of them I have stepped out of my comfort zone by organizing the Golden group. Because of them I've met some incredible people with a shared interest in Goldens, and I know many of these new friends will be life long friends. Because of them I started this blog. I felt that I would have something to talk about on at least a semi regular basis, and have few fun things to share with others.
I am eternally thankful for this blog. Seriously! It has given me something to do when I've been bored. It has opened my mind to an entirely new world. Through this blog I've connected with people all around the world - and made even more wonderful friends. Simona and Marco, Valerie, Najia, Chris H., Monika, Miche & Bill, Chris and Mackenzie, Curt and Duncan, Kim, and Bogart, just to name a few. I love you all, and you have added so much to my life!
3 Day Wrap Up
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Melon Men in Action!
Although we (my team and I) didn't walk this year, we were out there all weekend supporting the other walkers. We all wore our "60 Miles for our Melons" shirts, and were surprised at how many people remembered us (well, at least the BOYS) from last year. It was such a fun weekend, and so heartwarming to be there. We cheered for strangers, high 5'd hundreds, offered encouraging words to those that needed them, and hugged our new-found friends.
Yup, random acts of kindness make you feel pretty darn good. Try it sometime.
Monday, November 23, 2009
A-Z Mondays, "G" is for Gorgeous Goldens
Jack (this photo is courtesy of Andrew Grant)
If you'd like to see what other bloggers are posting for A-Z Mondays, visit Jen's Blog.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Pink Gloves
Pretty cool!
I've got lots of pictures from this weekend to share, but I'm just too pooped to download them right now. Suffice to say, it was AWESOME!!! My hands are bruised from clapping, my throat is hoarse from yelling and "whoop-whooping" and my face is sun burnt from being out on the route cheering everyone on for over 21 hours this weekend. I don't know when I've felt better! I can't think of anything I'd rather have been doing, other than walking along with everyone.
Big thanks to Emily (MacInnes) Somers, who created, directed and choreographed this in Portland last week for her Medline glove division as a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness and allowed me to share it here with you.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The 3 Day is Back!
As most of you know, I walked in 2006 and 2008. I wanted to walk again this year, but I was pretty sure that I was going to have to have surgery on my left foot...well, the good news is that I didn't have to have the surgery after all, the bad news is that by the time I figured that out, it was too late for me to try to raise the funds, and start my training...
So, instead of being a "street walker" this year, I am a "Walker Stalker" - meaning I'll be out there all 3 days cheering on my friends that are walking, and the 3,800 new friends I'm making! I remember distinctly the warm feeling I got when I was walking and random people along the way cheered, high-fived me, and clapped. I wanted to give these walkers that same good feeling, so Bear and I got up at the crack of dawn, pink ribbon signs in hand, jumped into the Smart car, and headed west. The route on the first day follows the coast from lovely Del Mar, through La Jolla, and on to Crown Point. We found a spot to park near the beginning of the route, got out of the car, and preceded to say "Good Morning" and "Thanks for walking!" to about 3,800 people. When the majority of the walkers had gone by, we hoped in the car, moved south, and found another spot to park. Rewind, repeat. Lots of high-5's, lots of clapping, and lots of emotion.
It's hard to explain the kind of emotion I feel when I am among the walkers. Whether I am walking or cheering, I feel a strong bond, and I would almost say that it's like being a part of a very special sisterhood - only there are men, and lots of them, that are walking too. They walk in honor of their wife, their Mom, their sister, you name it. So I guess if it's possible for men to be a part of a sisterhood, these men are. It is an incredible, heartwarming feeling! I longed to be on the road with them this morning, and as Bear and I were talking about it (we walked together last year, along with our lifelong friend, Shirley), we both agreed that if there was any doubt about us walking again next year, this morning cleared that up!
Here are just a few of the images we caught while we were out there today.
This is a bit blurry, but you can still get a feeling for the sheer number of people participating in this incredible experience. Trust me, once you are part of the 3 Day family, it will always be in your heart!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Serious Randomness
I thought I'd share a couple of random pictures that I've taken in the last day or two...
First, my Pulmerias... I thought it was a bit late to get blooms on these babies, but I was pleasantly surprise to see these beauties when I was in the backyard yesterday.
Next...we've all heard of "security blankets" right? How about "security shoes"?? I think Kona has a little fetish going on...whenever I am out of the house, he goes in search of one of my shoes to keep him company...such a silly boy!
And last, but not least, a picture of Harley, taken last night that made me smile...she had perched herself on the couch and was sleeping hard when I came up with the camera. Her sleepy face is adorable, and I could just kiss her!
By the way...I've posted a new favorite quote of the moment, in the upper right hand corner of my blog...if you're interested.