Thursday, November 22, 2012


While I have been doing my best to put on a happy face, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I've been struggling with things lately. I know it's natural, and "comes with the territory" but that doesn't make it any easier.

This November has been full of milestones, some good, some tough. The obvious first, it's the first Thanksgiving without my Dad. It's been a rough morning to say the least. This is how I remember seeing my Dad on Thanksgiving days from my childhood - apron on, carving the turkey, and giving the "snibbles" to our little dog Corky.
 This was taken in 1975.  In my mind, Dad and Corky are enjoying another Thanksgiving together today. 
We made a visit out to the cemetery this morning. It was a beautiful. Dad loved pumpkin pie - I couldn't bring him a slice, so instead I brought him a mini pumpkin.  It seemed somehow appropriate.

Another milestone is that this is the first time ever that I won't be seeing my son on Thanksgiving.  With his schedule being the way it is, and him being so far away, we just couldn't justify flying him home for such a short time and such crazy airline ticket prices. It sucks, big time. I'm just very happy that he has someone to spend the day with. It makes it bearable.

My Mom went to Texas to visit with my brother and his family this year.  I don't blame her - I know it's good for her to get a change of scenery. We've always celebrated Thanksgiving at her house.  Not this year, this year is different. This year we are going to the home of some dear friends who were kind enough to invite us, knowing that it was a tough year for me.  Thank you Ron and Carol, I love you both!

I can only think of one other time that we weren't "home" for was five years ago exactly.  We were on a Hawaiian Island cruise with our entire family. We had our Thanksgiving feast on the ship. It wasn't home cooking, but it was wonderful with all of us together.  We were celebrating my parent's 50th anniversary.
It's memories like these that I find myself most thankful for today.

I hope each and every one of you is having a wonderful day, and making memories with your loved ones that will last a lifetime.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

I love you. I hope your Thanksgiving has gone are starting a new family tradition now. And while it may not be like the ones in the past, you can still have a lovely time, make new memories and look back on the past with joy not sorrow.