Sunday, September 30, 2012

In case you've been wondering

In case you've been wondering why I haven't been posting much...well, you know it's that time of year again, that crazy, busy, hectic, Halloween party time of year. We have been hard at work getting the invitations ready to send, painting, sewing, sawing, screwing (hey, now, get your mind out of the gutter, at least until party time!) and even having a little "eye scream"  and it is finally starting to really take shape. Here is a taste of how things are coming along. Less than 4 weeks until party time, and it's getting down to the wire!

I've got the send a special and very HUGE thank you to all of our awesome friends who have been helping to make all of this happen. You are superstars!


Chris H said...

It's going to be amazing AGAIN.
Why do you need to send out invitations? Everyone knows where and when!@!!! lol

Sierra Rose said...

Looks like a PARTY!!! Wish norcal wasn't so far...would be really fun to come by!

Sierra Rose