Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An Empty Nest

It was bound to happen eventually, but how did it happen so quickly? Our once full - practically overflowing- nest is empty.

Oh sure, there are still 4 fur babies here to keep me company, thank goodness, but you know it's just not the same.  They don't pick up their own poop, or vacuum, or go to the movies with me, or watch the Bachelor Pad with me or laugh at me when I mix up words, or keep me company shopping....
Pickle is all settled in her college dorm now.  We took her up Saturday, and moved her in.
 There were a ton of people there to get checked into their new dorms, but everything was well organized and moved quickly.
 Welcome to CSU-Long Beach, aka "The Beach"
 Her empty dorm room.
 Dad was hooking up the router, etc., and the bed was made. Progress!
 Things came together before too long and it was looking cozy. (If you can call a poster of Dexter, the serial killer, hanging over your bed "cozy"!) That's my girl!
Getting ready to say goodnight, and head home without her.
 It was a long day...and we knew we had to go.
(before and after of the work areas)
 She was settled in, and happy when we left. She met her new room mate who seemed very nice, and all was well. Although it was hard, it was a very good day....and it's SO NICE to know that she is only 93 miles north of us.  I am going to take her beach cruiser bike up to her on Thursday and take my Mom and Bear to go and see her dorm, etc. We'll go to lunch and have a nice afternoon.  I'm looking forward to it already!

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